Thread: Maize Maze
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Old 01-13-2019, 11:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
nicole black
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Mar 2004
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
ruari fuller-thompson #FFA3D2
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Desdemona M. Evans #6082B6
First Year
Default U three <3
you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.

Maxie, in his late night wonderings, often wondered if the Universe had something against Anderson-Belforts or just against himself and Damien since, well, his parents were perfectly fine all the time. Maybe, maybe, maybe they'd sucked up all the family luck and that was why he and Damien were always wiggling in and out of tight spots.

Not that this was a tight spot. It was a big wriggly spot with six eyes and three mouths and greetings and corn. How could something as innocent as a corn ma(i)ze betray him like this? Maxie swallowed anxiously, his large grey eyes going back and forth from the other boy to the two girls as they all introduced themselves. Full names??? Were they trying to kill him?

He waved. Hello. Hi. Hello. Uhm.

"Maxie. H-h-i." Oh wow, this was already down-freaking-hill. "I'm Maxie... H-Hi. Uhm, y-y-you lot can go on ah-ahead." The Hufflepuff stuck his hands deeper into his pockets, fists clenched as he forced the stuttered words out as naturally as he could manage. was that rude? what'd he'd said? Maxie tried to grin all big and nice and friendly but it felt so very much like a grimace that he immediately stopped.

the moon:

feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
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