Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
Posts: 32,843
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| Stelaxjócaslan catchup + main activity urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Text Cut: catchup i'm sorry lovelies <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot Despite not concentrating too much on what was happening around him he did happen to notice that Mr Prefect was not putting any effort into rowing whatsoever. So much for teamwork then, eh? He gave him a LOOK.
Caolan’s nose started to wrinkle when the prefect talked about needing to pee. Now all he could think about was going to toilet and all of a sudden despite not needing to just FIVE minutes ago HE needed to pee too! Great!
Thank YOU lazy bloomin’ prefect whose name he did not know. He knew some people nicknamed the toilet ‘the bog’ but they didn’t have to take it THAT literally!! If they didn’t hurry up rowing there was going to be a puddle on the inside of the boat as well as the outside. He grumbled under his breath about needing to keep his legs crossed for the rest of the journey now instead of concentrating on what direction they should go. “Yeah I’ll agree with the majority” he nodded at Stella who had actually bothered to introduce herself. She looked like the sort of person that would be paying attention. And the small kid, Lucas agreed too and young kids weren’t worn down by education enough yet so they almost always tried extra hard, right? Maybe not but at least Lucas was putting effort into rowing the boat unlike some people so he trusted his opinion more.. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo Maxton was oblivious to the looks Mr Row Row Row Your Boat Caolan was giving him. Mostly. Okay, he may have noticed a little bit but he was happy pretending that he hadn't.
And besides, there were more important things to worry about right now.
Like that SCREECH that just happened from somewhere behind them.
It was lucky Max was holding his legs so tightly together otherwise he may have peed right there and then. "What are you waiting for!?" He piped up, an exasperated fidgety mess right now. "Get a move on, let's go faster!" In any direction, he didn't care! Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot Okaaaaay..
The sudden screech made him jump just the tiniest fraction although he did his best to disguise it. Nobody saw anything right? He stopped rowing momentarily whilst he looked at the others to make sure that they had heard what he had too.
So now Mr Prefect was going to bark orders at them whilst sat on his backside doing nothing? “You see these?” He asked as he shoved an oar onto his lap. “You use them to make the boat go faster..” Was that sarcastic enough? Perhaps instead of telling the rest of the crew what to do he might actually contribute a bit of muscle power to save himself from the embarrassment of wetting himself. Because after the initial disgust of sharing a boat with the puddle, Caolan WAS going to snigger.
Caolan almost wanted to disagree with Stella to get them lost on purpose and make Max have to wait for longer. The headmaster was also droning on about the school curriculum and the kids down the left path looked like they were having way more fun. If it wasn’t for the fact that HE kept thinking about needing the loo he probably would’ve suggested the left path. Stella looked a little nervous too and the fifth-year felt a little sorry for her. He nudged her gently with his arm in some form of an comforting gesture. “You alright kiddo?” What about the others? They were being pretty quiet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley Jó tugged lazily on the oar, because honestly it seemed that whatever-his-name older-guy-that-wasn't-the-prefect had everything in hand. But he had just had a go at the Prefect, so he had to look busy, of course.
And he was reacting minimally to everything that was going on. Partly because he had zero clue what was going on, partly because he knew that there was no way the Headmaster was going to do anything that would hurt them, and partly because he had to force himself to remain calm and cool. He had an image to keep up!
And when Stella said they should go right? Jó shrugged in non-committal agreement. He would have said straight on, but he didn't actually know, and (although he would never admit it) she was cleverer than him and had been paying attention.
At least he hoped. Quote:
Originally Posted by Granger Danger Stella felt her snickering at what Coalan said to Mr. Prefect here it was pretty funny to her, if he did pee himself it was four against one, that would be embarrassing thing to remember. Setting the oars down, she rested her arms down. She was a bit tired and hurting from steering but they had get going. She was a second year and was going more then Mr. Prefect was, hmph! Lazy seventh year sitting on his bum barking orders that'll show him! This was a team effort they had to work together, so far it only seems like they were doinv all the work besides Mr. Prefect here.
Stella looked Caolan and shook her head. "Not really, all this darkness and not seeing anything is scaring me." she said honestly biting her lip. She wasn't scared of the dark, she was scared of what was in it. "It's too quiet, and that scares me as well or shall I say it was?" referring to the screeching they heard eariler. "Which way do you think?" she asked him looking around. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo He’d needed to pee BEFORE the whole screeching fiasco. He didn’t need to pee because he was SCARED or anything. Don’t be ridiculous. Haaaaah. Okay, so the whole ordeal didn’t really help things in the bladder department, but obviously he was never going to admit that.
He was the oldest one in the group. He was the a student leader… The Slytherin Prefect. These youngsters obviously looked up to him.
Once more, Max pretended to act oblivious when Caolan shoved an oar his way. There was no point of him contributing a bit of muscle, okay? He didn’t HAVE any. And anyways, whatever path they’d taken had apparently got them where they needed to go. Land, FINALLY.
Without a second glance, Max stumbled from the boat and continued his fidgety needtopee dance as the Headmaster rambled on and on and on for what felt like forever.
He was hoping that was it... end of class. But then he spotted all the lanterns creeping their way.
UGHHHHsfskjdfs Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot It was somewhat of a relief when the boat eventually came to a stop and the team arrived on the shoreline. Despite enjoying rowing and the chance to be active (it beat sitting at a desk after all), he wasn’t impressed with certain members of his team not pulling their weight and therefore immediately distanced himself from that someone as he stepped off the boat and steadied it for the younger students with his foot. He didn’t want them to lose balance and fall in.
He listened to the Headmaster spiel on only this time he had stopped going on about the curriculum or singing show tunes or whatever he was doing and was actually talking about something relevant to the listen. Mr Prefect was practically doing a pee dance and Caolan was finding it hard to keep a smirk from gracing his face.
Now onto what they were supposed to be doing.
He took his wand out of his pocket excited about using his Da’s wand for the first time at school. He flicked his wand around in a loop. “Lumos” he spoke clearly, a grin slowly gracing his face as the top of his wand lit up with a luminous glow. His grandparents had taught him well. Rowing was starting to get harder and harder the more he tried. Was he listening to whatever it is the Headmaster was talking about? No. It wasn't that he was trying NOT to listen, it was just....... well, he was concentrating on rowing. They were on a boat, after all. And even if the Headmaster had said that they won't fall into the bog, he just wanted to get this done as quickly as possible and then he could LEAVE.
No offence, Head-
Lucas's eyes widened and he froze mid-row to just..... stare. He looked around wildly, silently hoping he could see what was making that noise but it happened so suddenly and it was so dark in here that he didn't know where to look. All he knew was that something had screamed and he did NOT like the sound of that.
Could he scream? No?
His breathing was starting to become incredibly shallow and he gripped his oar as tightly as he could. It was probably a good thing that the voice of one of the older boys had broken out and disturbed his thoughts. Go faster? He looked down at where he assumed the oar in his hand was and, as his brain caught up with everything, he...... slowly........ started rowing.
Lucas was..... vaguely picking up some conversation - was Stella saying something about going right? - but he was still breathing too heavily to really notice what it was so..... he just nodded. Agreed. And if they faced any kind of danger, then, well.......
....... he didn't want to think about that.
But it looked like he didn't need to worry about that. Eventually, it looked like they were approaching....... land? Was that land?! His breathing finally calmed down enough for the second year to let out a small sigh of relief as he clambered out of the boat as best as he could with the help of Caolan. Was this it? Could they leave?
The answer was no. He'd hardly gathered around the place where the Headmaster's voice was coming from when the man had started talking about Hinkypunks and the spells they needed to use. Lucas felt deflated. These kind of activities were never easy and he knew that this was going to be the same. Maybe they were fun but he wasn't very good at these kind of activities the last time they had done them soo......
The message about them not being real Hinkypunks practically flew over the young Gryffindor's head because look! There were lanterns coming towards them which could only mean one thing: HINKYPUNKS!
Could he scream now?!
He bit down on his lip, his heart going THUMP THUMP THUMP and blocking out everything else that was being said. Instead, he took out his wand and, taking a deep breath, cast a "L-Lumos?" No. "Lu....... mos!" Still no. "LUMOS!" ...... This will do.
Now to defeat some Hinkypunks. Don't whimper, Dakest.
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