SPOILER!!: Maxie
Originally Posted by
nicole black
Maxie had gotten over his most of his general shock and terror during the relatively quiet weekend - most being the keyword, but what remained of said shock and terror wasn't enough to keep the 12-year-old locked away in his dorm.
Actually, nothing could have but that was a totally different story and Maxie didn't want to think about that story at all, at all. So, he'd shed his Hufflepuffs robes and pulled on his actual comfortable clothes and went wandering around in search of??? anything really.
The antechamber hadn't caught his attention earlier in the week (probably because of the 1001 things happening) but it certainly had now. The games - some very familiar and others not at all - lured him with the promise of fun but what really caught his attention were the books.
He plucked a tome at random and flipped it open, he didn't know what he'd been expecting but logic puzzles weren't it. He didn't understand half of it, but the symbols and curved lines of the text were enough visually to keep the boy's attention. Without peeking up from the page, Maxie walked over to a big comfy chair and plopped right down.
Charlie had heard a thing or two about an antechamber. One with, like,
games and stuff....
Expecting Pac-Man and Galaga machines and Monopoly boards, like the muggle she was, the girl scoured the halls of Hogwarts for the chamber as a post-History of Magic pick-me-up (she liked history, sure, but it was quite dreadful to learn in the classroom, and it seemed dull in comparison with the other classes). Charlie has been walking for quite some time when she came across what was apparently a statue muttering in a strange language.
Huh? She furrowed her brow and walked towards it to get a better look (or listen) but did not here another peep; however, it did sit by a room which, when looking from a distance at the different board games and whatnot in it, matched the description of the antechamber. With a triumphant smirk, Charlie stride into the room, itching to buy some property and pass go a number of times.
Imagine her disappointment when she saw that all of the games were
wizard games. Her smirk turned into a frown as she came to the realization that this room was of No Use To Her, seeing as she had no idea how to play any of them.
Maybe the boy sitting in one of the chairs and reading a book could help her out — he looked
Plopping down into the chair next to his, she waited until he appeared to reach a stopping point and asked, “
Do you know how to play any of these games? Cos I have no idea.”
Or maybe she could read a book, too....