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Old 01-13-2019, 06:17 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Scotland, [GMT]
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default Aaahhhh!!!!! Hi! :D [trying out for Chaser]
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

Text Cut: Patrick
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
"Hi Zachary and Skyler." Patrick smiled at those around him and decided there was no time like the present to get started. Clapping his hands a few times to get their attention, he stood off to the side of the pitch. "Alright everyone. I recognize some familiar faces and see some new faces as well. Glad to have you all out here." He smiled to let people know that he wasn't as nervous as he was this time last year. Last term he was terrified because he was a young captain who may not do well. Now he was a bit older and had won the house cup.

"To start today I'd like you all to take a few laps, if you need more go ahead. Once you touch back down I'd like those of you going out for Chaser over to my left, beaters beside them, seekers, and then keepers."
He smiled and waited for everyone to get going on their brooms so he could keep things moving.

OOC: This is to get things moving. We will be moving on in about 24 hours so go ahead and post more stretching or moving around the pitch. The activity will be coming shortly.

Holly was nervous. She hadn’t thought about playing on the team last year; she had only been a first year, Cam hadn’t been on the team and - honestly the year hadn’t been great to the young girl. This year, however, after a Summer of working with Cameron (and their parents when they had had the spare time), Holly felt that she was doing well and that she could stand on the Pitch without thinking she was going to embarrass Cameron or their Mum.

Having stood beside Cameron to stretch, when the time came to take flight; her heart jumped as she easily got onto her broom, pushed off from the ground and grinned as she felt the wind whipping around her face [though her unruly curls were tied back into a neat bun just like she would have done if she’d been competing].

Sitting easily on the broom, she took her hands off one at a time, testing her balance and making sure that she was still as comfortable as she had been over the summer at flying without her hands if she needed too. With a grin to her brother, she had lowered herself so that she picked up speed - seeing how quickly she could fly to the end of the pitch, though it wasn’t like she could time it from here. But never mind, that wasn’t the point.. The point was to warm her body up and to make sure that she was one with her broom.

Text Cut: Patrick
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick smiled at the faces in front of him. “Alright. I’m glad you all came out for Try-outs this term. I’m hoping we can have a repeat of last term with winning the Quidditch cup.” he was less stern than last term because he had realized that it did absolutely nothing for his teammates.

He clapped his hands together, “this term we’re going to stray away from last terms odd skills and this term we’re going to have a relay. So pick a partner who is not the same position and get ready on the line.” he motioned to the line he had charmed into the grass. “First you will race to the other side and complete ten tosses through the hoop to your partner on the other side. Once you have done that you and your partner will fly to the middle of the field the partner who did not toss through the hoop will have to search for a small snitch sized ball amongst the tennis balls. Once you find it you will keep it and move onto the final task. Which is completing a puzzle here at the finish line.”

He figured he would have someone complain about the puzzle but it would allow him to see how people handled something odd in a unconventional setting. He did not want his team to freeze up when odd things happened to them. This would allow him to see how his team would handle things. “On may whistle.”


And they were off.

OOC: So pick a partner, start the tasks, Patrick will be around in the air, and we’ll keep this moving and have a fun time at the end of the relay.

When she landed, she gave Cameron a little wave with her fingers as she moved to stand with the Chasers rather than with him and his fellow Beaters. Leaning ever so slightly on the tip of her broom, she moved to stand up on her tip-toes, stretching out the muscles in her legs as she waited for everyone else.

When everyone was assembled, she listened - heart pounding in her chest with nerves - as the Captain filled them in. - Wait. Someone who was going for another position! That meant Cameron!!! Looking instantly at her brother, she gave him a smile that silently said We have this! before she listened to the rest of the instructions. Okay.

Fly. Throw. Fly. Find. Fly. Solve. Got it!

Bouncing on her toes, broom already in her hand so that she could get on and fly - she waited for the whistle.



Jumping nimbly over her broom, the twelve year old pushed off again just as she saw Cameron do the same - and without saying a word, they were off towards the hoops. .... Hopefully it was obvious what they needed to toss through the hoops when they got there.
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