Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Chloe gave Aaron a huge grin as he took up a spot near her. Hooray for friendly faces! And hooray for friendly professors. She appreciated that Professor Kalen wasn't weirded out by the idea of a Giant Squid popping in, so she decided to hold out hope that it would actually happen.
But time to put on a participatory face. Chloe raised her hand. "If you go out for astrology, the specific position of the stars and planets in the heavens can tell us all sorts of... things." Chloe believed in divination, had to because of her mum and stuff, but she wasn't keen on astrology.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |