Thread: Charms Lesson 1
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Old 01-10-2019, 09:47 PM   #130 (permalink)

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Hanna couldn't help but giggle at Professor Dopple's obliviousness. And her saying the wrong name to the Headmaster. The HEADMASTER. Her boss. Giggle.

She listened to her classmates' suggestions, nodding to the ones she had heard, and thinking curiously about the ones that she hadn't heard of. How would they work? Hiccups were certainly annoying things, and if they got to learn a charm to get rid of them, that would be a useful lesson.

At least Headmaster Trent had figured out the Max situation. Not that Hanna cared if there was one or ten Maxes, she was mostly curious as to what had happened and why. She didn't need to know why Polyjuice potion wasn't allowed at Hogwarts. Of course it wasn't. Unless you were Regina Hawthorne and needed to re-take control of the school, then that was allowed.

Putting her attention back to the subject at hand and had a think about what her mother had said. Or was it her uncle? Raising her hand she said "Some kind of muscle relaxing solution, like magnesium or a chamomile tea might help." She doubted it though.

always on the move
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