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Patrick plopped down on one of the chairs by the fire. He honestly just needed a nap before he ran off to Potions. It wasn't his fault that he had been studying hard, working out a ton. It was like his body had suddenly gone into shock since he had been back at Hogwarts.
Grabbing one of his books he propped it against his stomach to make it look like he was studying. That way he couldn't be yelled at. He really needed a few....
Argyle was making headway in the library. Any dust was no match for a determined house elf. Until the feather duster struck something organic in the form of a leg as she went around a chair. Argyle’s eyes widened, looking up at the form attached to said leg.
“Argyle sorry…Argyle not mean for…bothering Master Captain.” Especially when Master Captain was studying and being good student.
OOooo Argyle was a bad elf.