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Quidditch was never really the type of thing Drewett liked. He absolutely disliked the mandatory flying lessons they had back as first years. It didn't mean that he didn't know how to fly--he actually did, if necessary. As long as he was within two feet off the ground, he was fine. Unfortunately, that really wasn't the same scenario for Quidditch...what with all the soaring balls and heavy bats and bloodbaths and biting that frequently happen.
Drewett was quite proud that he stopped hiding behind the stands every time he watched a Quidditch match now. It was difficult seeing his friends get hurt just for ridiculous sport, but if they were having fun (which is really questionable because who had fun getting beat up by bludgers?) then he supposed he was obliged to be supportive.
Which is why Drewett was here, at the stands with a bag packed with food and a pair of omnioculars, to be a supportive friend as his friends try out for Quidditch. Here's to hoping the captains weren't going to release those bludgers for real, yeah?
Of course, Farah was
going to try out for Quidditch. She'd told Cam she would last summer. Yet, here she was in the stands, not doing just that. Her attention was on other things this year. It was her first year at school without her dad and honestly she didnt have the heart to do it. Her dad is the one that taught her to fly. He was magnificent at it. She just... couldnt. Plus it was her last year here... she wanted to spend as much time free as she could.
She was representing her friends with a bit of Hufflepuff pride etched into her outfit. It wasnt too out of the usual than her regular outfits though because was a huge Hufflepuff pride fan. She sat down with licorice wants and then looked and saw Drew sitting by the stands too. Getting up, she headed to him and then plopped gently beside. "
Hey there." She said with a smile while getting comfortable on the stands. "
Who are you rooting for?"