start & station 1 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Taddy was in bliss when he reached into the final lap, it was amazing how good it felt to be in the air flying. Back at home he had a restriction and time on when to fly and always chaperones. Here... well, there was still restrictions but look at the size of this pitch! This was the life.
After he ended his fifth and final lap around the pitch, Tad settled his broom to land near Captain Juni. He was still in a flying motion so his legs went a bit shaky at first before recovering quickly. He rested his broom right side up and sort of leaned onto it as he listened to the rules. An obstacle course, okay. And he'll get to try out the other positions while doing so. He could work with that then.
Tad nodded right before the whistle blew and he went over to grab a bat from the beater's station. He gave some a light swish and swing to test it's weight to his hand. He definitely needed a lighter weight one so it didn't make his arm sore carrying it for a while. It only took three bat testing before he found the one. Now that that was settled he could take off. He flew up slowly to get adjusted to flying one handed with the bat in hand having to dodge a few bludgers along the way.
Okay, now he had to hit at one. He circled around keeping his eye focused on some zooming by. Aha! Tad lightly bit his own lip before taking the swing. POW!
Annnnnd it went a different direction to the nearest hoop. Taddy didn't let that stop him though. It meant that he had to think this over. Okay, so that type of swing and power forced it to angle off in that direction. So maybe now he could try angling himself a different position before hitting it. That seemed promising.. Another option was to just hit them all and hope for the best.
Well, he didn't get a chance to choose because he saw two zooming his way! Tad gasped and out of reflex swung twice at them both with all his might, watching to see where they zoomed off to after. |