Natalie, Abra, Gunnar, Aaron and Harri? ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya! Ah, hinkypunks. It still sounded SO funny to her ears that she couldn't help but grin every time it was said out loud. Even if they threw fireballs around and hollered over their smoky bodies.
Harri couldn't even be bothered with the dark and squishing wet noise that her shoes made whenever she took a step because hello, this was supposed to be a classroom and not only did they end up in the swamp lands, they were now getting on boats to cross a river. A river! Inside a classroom. It was so cool. Magic was so cool! And the Headmaster too, since you know, he was probably the one who made this all happen.
As for finding a boat to board, the young Gryffindor sort of just loitered around at first until she saw somewhat of a familiar face. One of the Gryffindor's prefects. Hi, Prefect Abra! As for the other three, she didn't know any of them but they all looked to be older. She waved at them and offered a wide smile. "Hi, I'm Harri!" Let's get to rowing!
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