PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): "I like Kenmare too kinda but the Falcons are the best ever," Ronan replied to Aaron, the older boy who was talking to him and consequently making the eleven year old feel awfully important. He knew all about the Quidditch league, obviously, he owned almost all the Quidditch edition chocolate frog cards, but didn't want to bore Aaron! He probably knew WAY more than Ronan did.
As for being ready... YES. YES HE WAS, thank you for noticing! "Chaser!" was Ronan's quick reply, not mentioning that he probably would have liked to try seeking if Bel wasn't a seeker and their captain. He was speedy on the ground, he could only imagine what it would be like to zoom around the pitch, having all the other players move so you could catch that TEENY TINY little snitch! Once, when he was seven, he'd gone to a Quidditch match and the snitch had appeared BY HIS HEAD for like a second, and it was the best second of his life at the time!! His signed quaffle at home though, eclipsed that moment a few years later.
BUT. Never mind, never mind, BEL the CAPTAIN was here. He'd been at school for, what, a few weeks? Five days? Who's counting?? And yet Ronan ALREADY thought she was the BEST ever, right after ice cream and his rats. She was so COOL, with her ACCENT and her like, super duper cheerful nature and FRECKLES. And she was always so nice, which was so.. nice??? He'd never anyone that nice before, not even his MUM. "HI BEL!" Ronan waved his arms, grinning widely at the Hufflepuff quidditch captain. Ooooh, by the lake?? Just like at home! Almost, since that was the sea, technically, but SAME DIFF duh. Ronan listened with rapt attention, and gasped out loud when she said running. RUNNING IS HIS THING. YES! YES! TIME TO IMPRESS!!
Ronan did not have to be told twice as he tore down to the lake, leaving literal dust in his wake. Ronan E. Wallace had won MEDALS for sprinting. He'd been the FAST at the 400m track in his ENTIRE DISTRICT. He wasn't sure what running had to do with quidditch, but as he held his broom high above his head and dashed towards the shoreline, he delighted in thinking he was already great at a quidditch related thing. BOOYEAH.
The eleven year old skidded to a stop and...... stared. "WooowwwwWWWW!!!!"
And, head boy Derf was here too! "HI DERF!!"
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end
Last edited by Daemon; 01-07-2019 at 12:26 AM.
Reason: I got out of bed to fix a mistake I remembered typing