Text Cut: Toddles
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Toddles' boney elbows and knees now brought him to the underside of the Slytherin table in desperate pursuit of HIS Fluffsies. Once again crawling over all the feets of studentsies, Toddles not-so-quietly called out for HIS beloved lost pet. "Fluffsies...Fluffsies...where are you Fluffsies? Come backs to Toddles!"
A couple of more crawls later and Toddles let out a GASP as he saw something PINK sticking out under the footsie of one of the studentsies (Samia), prompting Toddles to crawl even FASTER and SHOVE the shoesie off. "FLUFFSIES? FLUFF....oh." No. Frayed not.
POUTING, Toddles continued his crawl until he spotted another studentsies on the floor too (Shanners), though Toddles had a ways to crawl before her reached that studentsies. Why was this studentsies on the floor? Was she looking for something too? Had SHE stolen HIS Fluffsies and was now grumpy like Argyle because she no finds him too? Toddles big round eyes narrowed as he crawled more quickly over studentsies feetsies and pointed one of his long elf fingers towards her with a sudden change of elfsie heart. Toddles must find Fluffsies on his own! Studentsies would only wants to keepsy Fluffsies because Fluffsies was too cute to ever EVER part with! "Missus shall not take Toddles' Fluffsies!"
Well. Slytherins were a talkative bunch, weren't they? Torii thought this to herself with a hint of sarcasm. Almost no one was welcoming the new girl. At Ilvermorny, she'd have already found all her friends and started up conversations with all of them. Here at Hogwarts, everybody acted like she was invisible.
Feeling something at her feet, she looked down and saw a house elf crawling around on the floor.
Ermm?? "Excuse me? Excuse me... What are you looking for?" she asked. What was a Fluffsies? Her first conversation at Hogwarts was with a house elf crawling underneath a table looking for a Fluffsies. Wonderful. She just hoped that wasn't an indication of how the whole year would be.
Text Cut: siriusblackliveson
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Patrick watched the girl join the table and figured since she looked closer in age to him he’d introduce himself. He wondered how she ended up at Hogwarts. “Good train ride? Also, welcome to Slytherin.” he blushed cause there was no easy way to ask the next question. ”what year are you in? Oh I’m Patrick by the way.” his southern accent coming out as he had spent his last two weeks of summer in the states with his grandparents.
Torii had just emerged from her peek under the table, when she heard an unfamiliar voice. Ohh. The unfamiliar voice was talking to
her. So Slytherins
did talk to each other.
"Oh, yeah. It was cool. Kind of long, but it was alright," she answered.
"Thanks. Although...what's a Slytherin mean?" She had finally decided to ask that, seeing as she was now one of them. Patrick. She'd have to remember that.
"I'm Torii."