Everyone + Hi Derf pumpkin juice shenanigans Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Cordelia smiled at the first girl to greet her (Stella) ”Hi, I’m Cordelia! You can call me Dia if you want.” It was nice to be meeting friendly people in her house. Her attention was taken away from the other girl, however, when her brother Drew showed up. ”Drew!” The little girl leaned over to hug Drew. Did you see me up there being sorted?” She hadn’t been able to see him, or anything else for that matter, because the hat had completely covered half her face so all she could see during her sorting was the dark interior of the hat.
Hearing someone else speaking to her, Cordelia looked over to the boy who had introduced himself as Lucas. ”Thanks. I’m Cordelia.” All bets were off in the attention span department when Cordelia heard someone announcing quidditch ”I WANT TO TRY OUT FOR QUIDDITCH!” She shouted to the entire table in hope that someone would be able to tell her more about it. Quidditch sounded so fun! Flying practice at Stemp House was something that Cordelia really enjoyed, so she wanted to try quidditch. Would they let first years join the team? Everyone who welcomed Cordelia to Gryffindor got a smile.
When were they going to get food? Cordelia could feels her blood sugar dropping, so she poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice to treat the low while everyone waited for food. After downing the entire glass in just a few seconds, Cordelia looked up and - Woah. Who was this handsome specimen of a man seated at the table (Derf)? The first year girl inched closer to him at the table. ”Hi, I’m Cordelia. You can call me Dia, or even darling if you want.” She was feeling something that she couldn’t quite put a name to. Something similar to what she felt when she saw boys walking around shirtless. As she was only eleven years old, she had not had experience with boys as anything other than just friends before. There was something about this boy that felt different though, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Eh, maybe the weird feeling was just because her blood sugar was still low. That had to be it. Without taking her eyes off handsome man, Cordelia poured herself another glass of pumpkin juice and chugged that one just as quickly as the first one. She wanted to touch his face. His eyes were so striking, and his facial structure was perfect. She could just stare at him all night. By now, Cordelia’s mouth was sort of hanging open and she was just speechless.
Last edited by griffin; 01-04-2019 at 09:49 PM.