Text Cut: Skyler
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Skyler was NOT looking forward to another year at Hogwarts. With what happened last year? Yeah. She almost begged her mom to not send hrr back (she never wrote home about the abuse, she was too afraid.). But then she saw Patrick as she walked inside. She gave him a small smile. "Hey, have a good summer?" She asked. Her voice was barely audible. Nope, not taking any chances this year.
Patrick smiled at Skyler she looked at little uneasy to come back to Hogwarts. He couldn’t blame anyone this year for not wanting to come back. It had been wild every year since he had been there. He wanted her to be at ease,
“yeah. I had a great summer. Spent a lot of it playing baseball and quidditch. What about you?” he tried to keel his voice calm as to not scare her off.
Text Cut: Odaline
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Did people not understand that by removing herself from the table she did not want to be involved in the table? Was that difficult? Clearly. It was just bearable being looking at.. but then there were words coming her way and Odaline felt her stomach turn. She was not prepared for conversations with these people and therefore she glared at both of the people that had gone out of their way to talk to her. (Vita and Bettie)
And then both girls got a growl and a chomp of her teeth in their direction.
The message: don't come closer.
Patrick tried to contain his laughter at the two girls who had tried to interact with Odaline. He never understood why people tried to push those who didn’t want to interact... not everyone is a social butterfly.
Text Cut: Torii
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Anna Banana
Torii's first train ride had been kind of uneventful. She'd tried her best to put forth an even mix of 'making new friends' and 'not trying to seem too desperate'. She thought she'd done a pretty good job. She'd even made time to get to the food trolly and get some sweets, too. Even still, she was still starving from the super long train ride. Why they didn't just use portkeys was beyond her.
The sorting had been kind of exciting, too. She'd had no idea what to expect, so when she'd been sorted into Slytherin, she wasn't surprised in the least bit. She was still so used to Ilvermorny, and she really had no idea what it meant to be a Slytherin. She missed her old friends and couldn't help but wonder what they were up to right now. She found a spot at the house table and tried not to look awkward as 'the new girl'.
Patrick watched the girl join the table and figured since she looked closer in age to him he’d introduce himself. He wondered how she ended up at Hogwarts.
“Good train ride? Also, welcome to Slytherin.” he blushed cause there was no easy way to ask the next question.
”what year are you in? Oh I’m Patrick by the way.” his southern accent coming out as he had spent his last two weeks of summer in the states with his grandparents.
Text Cut: Caneron
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Before he got a chance to ask, the new Headmaster stood up, however and gave his speech. Lot of new staff. Hmm. His eyes wandered over to the staff dais, taking in each new professor when the Headmaster introduced them. Okay. This was going to be an interesting term for sure. Cam was looking forward to some new professors, to be honest, some more competent ones. And less bootcamp-y.
When the speech was over, he spotted Zoryn casually getting up and walking over to the Ravenclaw table. Okay. He had promised her to help with this and they were teammates after all. They had each other's backs and all that. "Oh, food! Finally!" Cam exclaimed, standing up and reaaaaaching over to get some chicken while casually and inconspicuously dumping the contents of a small vial filled with a love-at-first-sight potion into the pumpkin juice.
Now, he just needed an excuse to go over to the Hufflepuffs..."Bel!" He was being way too loud, wasn't he? He was NOT good at this at all. But be that as it may, Cameron was OFF to go say HELLO to his FRIEND. Nothing more.
Patrick’s eyes followed his housemates movements wondering what he was doing. He wasn’t so sure he liked their running around the tables like the we’re up to something. He kept them in his sights as he took a sip of the pumpkin juice before placing it back on the table unsure of what they were doing. He felt a little tingly wondering if the house elves had changed the pumpkin juice recipe or not he shrugged and kept eating.