you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.
There was a lot happening. a lot, a lot.
Maxie wriggled in his seat, watching the others around him as they slipped into normality like a hand slipping into a glove. It wasn't his fault he was adjusting so poorly - Maxie reminded himself - he'd barely had any time to mentally and emotionally ready himself for any of this. Had he mentioned it hadn't been his choice? because it absolutely had not been his choice to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and minor injuries.
He felt surly, and annoyed and hungry.
He'd never felt surly before.
It was weirdly self-affirming and Maxie clung to it like he'd been clinging to Niko earlier. He peeked up as he was addressed by the older girl. He grimaced - it was meant to be something like a smile - and nodded. that was?? weird, wasn't it? he should be talking.
........ "T-t-Thanks." He managed, clasping his hands tightly together under the table. There was a boy with a toad now - that was the boy from before with the boats. Helpful, maybe he was a teacher's assistant or- Or... Headboy. That made sense. "I'm Max- M-maxmilian." He daren't try to announce his full name with so many wriggling feelings inside of him. the young boy wasn't only speaking to Bel at this point - but to the table at large. It felt like he ought to even if he didn't want to.
There was that girl- Mary. The one who'd jumped out of his boat for that other girl - the rude looking one. She looked a lot nicer in the lighted hall, and Maxie felt a twinge of reproach still for her choice. He wasn't certain 0 after all - that it hadn't been because of his rushing things.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence