SPOILER!!: Penny
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Penny did notice the prefect, Daisy, sit near her and offer a warm sort of smile. That was nice of her, really. Penny wasn't exactly the type to make idle chit chat, but she figured WHAT THE HECK. It was, after all, the start of a new term... which could mean that she could start behaving differently. Maybe.
Not likely.
Her brother had given her something of a lecture before leaving the platform that morning. Droning on about how she needed to break out of her shell and make more friends. Which was easy for him to say, wannit? He never had any problems making friends or talking to people. Or ya know.. not being an awkward mess of a human being lacking all discernible social skills.
OH! Daisy had waved at her... and she was going to talk to her, wasn't she?
See how carried away her brain got sometimes?
"How are'ye, Daisy? Nice summah, then?" she asked in a sweet voice, albeit quiet. Which then brought her attention to the girl who has just taken a seat (Archer). That was kind of rude, wasn't it? Penny gave the slightest frown before turning her head away quickly. All thoughts of having conversations was quickly dissipating. Her discomfort was palpable, likely.
And as she turned her head she caught the smile and fingerwave from the Quidditch Captain. Well... she was awfully cheerful wasn't she? And pretty much speaking to everyone. What that must be like! To be a social butterfly in any situation.
Ugh. Penny ALMOST envied her that. Although, it all seemed like it would be pretty stressful, really. Having to always know what to say and when to say it. No thank you. She did, however, give her a small nod, a smile touching her lips. How did people do this? This social thing. It was exhausting.
And not that Penny didn't like people, don't get it twisted... she just wasn't equipped to deal with this. Nope. Oh MERLIN. Where was Benji? Or her sister? Or anyone that might distract everyone from the obvious meltdown that the fifth year was about to have.
Benji knew that he was supposed to be at the Ravenclaw table and all that, but what could one little teeny tiny pit stop at the Hufflepuff table hurt? After all, it's not like Scrimgeour was there watching and waiting to punish him or anything. (Thank Merlin.)
And yeah, yeah, okay, so he had
just seen Penny on the train a little while ago. HE KNEW THAT, OKAY. Buuuuuut he wanted to make sure she was feeling settled and not overwhelmed. Readjusting to the big crowd from the solitude of his own home was always difficult for him, and he knew she was likely feeling the same way. There sure were a looooot of people in here, and he knew she was probably worrying herself over things like making small talk. (And yeah, okay, he just really wanted to see her. He liked her. Sue him.)
The newly-minted fourth-year spotted his girlfriend quickly and made a beeline toward her. He didn't sit down -- he knew the speeches and whatnot would begin soon, so he would need to be ready to get back to his own table in a few minutes -- but he did appear over her left shoulder with a soft,
"Hey," touching her lightly on the arm with a smile.
"Just wanted to make sure everything's gone alright. You know. Since the train and all that. Feeling... Settled?" He spoke quietly, just for her to hear, not wanting to draw undue attention to her. He figured she wouldn't want everyone looking at her, after all. Neither did he; frankly, the idea alone of everyone's eyes on him made him a little flustered.
Anyway... Did his sort of coded question make sense? Would she know that he was meaning to ask if she was okay? Or was this finally going to be the moment where she realized he was an idiot loser and dumped him publicly? (He was still waiting for that to happen. One of these days, she was going to notice that she was way out of his league. He was sure of it.) He brushed his hair out of his eyes and smiled at her, butterflies making an appearance in his stomach as he hoped against hope that she hadn't changed her mind about him since they'd seen each other a little while ago.