Toddles continued his tragic journey on all fours in search for his Fluffsies, calling his beloved pet's name over and over again under his breath while his elbows and knees continued to abuse the shoes of the studentsies. Pausing ever so briefly to look over his shoulder (HAD THAT SHUFFLE BEHIND HIM BEEN FLUFFSIES?!), Toddles was greeted with an icy blast that had him never going back. Past steps would be past steps. Yup. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEOUCH!" Toddles wailed as Jack Frost nipped at his nose and ear, promptly turning them into cold cold COLD frozen house elfcicles. So surprised Toddles was that he jumped to his feet, but even small elfsies like Toddles were taller than the underside of the long tables in the Great Hall and the back of his head STRUCK its underside with a loud THUD. His large round eyes were full of water and leaking as he crawled out from under the table, lopsided and top-heavy from his frozen bits.
"Oh, Missus Hurry!" Toddles lamented when he saw he had crawled out near one of the studentsies he had met in Diagon Alley. She had been ever so helpful, along with Missus Vanilla, in helping Toddles purchase Cheeksies with Mister Master Headmaster's galleons. "Toddles is looking for HIS Fluffsies. Toddles looked away only for a bit, Toddles did. But when Toddles look back, HIS Fluffsies was not in its home!"
Turning his head towards Missus Stasya and one of the new little missus, an obvious tilt thanks to his frozen ear, a few extra large drops fell from his saucer sized eyes. "Toddles' pet. Toddles promise to take good case of HIS Fluffsies! Toddles must find HIS Fluffsies before HIS Fluffsies gets stepped on!"
What if Fluffsies already HAD?! No no. Not possible. His Fluffsies was too cute for stepping feetsies.
"Toddles not sure what HIS Fluffsies is," Toddles pouted at the Missus Stella. "But Toddles no no names of many creatures. Toddles already forget the creature name of the fluffy scrub brushy he named Cheeksies." But Missus Hurry would remember. "Toddles can say that HIS Fluffsies is small and pinksies and Toddles'." The elf nearly growled the last bit in innocent possessiveness. Or maybe not so innocent. "HIS Fluffsies is so small and cute that Toddles know he will never see anything else as cute as long as Toddles lives! Toddles MUST get HIS Fluffsies back!"
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