and everyone else The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo The remainder of the train journey had been a pretty uneventful one. He'd eaten his pumpkin pasties... made sure to show Bel his appreciation for acquiring said pumpkin pasties.... and then a nap had happened.
It had been a great nap. But great naps came with not so great consequences and it had been a very groggy Max who had 'helped' Stasya with carriage supervision duties. And it was a very groggy Max who now arrived at the Slytherin table.
Rubbing at his eyes and stifling a yawn, he found himself a spot and proceeded to rest his head on the table.
Maybe he could fit in another quick snooze before food happened. .....their last year.
It was their LAST year at Hogwarts.
And honestly, at this point Cameron was ready to graduate. The only thing dampening his excitement was the fact that he wouldn't be seeing Holly as often anymore but that was, frankly, the only thing. Other than that he was just looking forward to life after Hogwarts. Living with Liam. And Nat.
BUT he still had a whole school year ahead of him and he was going to make the best of that too. Plopping down onto the bench next to Max, Cam reached over to liiiiiightly (okay, maybe not so lightly) tug on a strand of the boy's hair.
Was he sleeping? |