And anyone else ^^ urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse This was weird, wasn’t it?
Lucas vividly remembered last year: getting on the boats, waiting to be Sorted, being very scared that he wasn’t going to get Sorted anywhere..... And now he was here, arriving at Hogwarts with all the other cool older kids, not having to worry about any kind of Sorting. It was a weird feeling.
The best part? He wasn’t soaked this time and he wasn’t the centre of attention! Sure, he still felt nervous but not having eyes watching him was more his, uh, cup of pumpkin juice.
The boy patted down his tie absentmindedly as he made his way over to the Gryffindor table. His green eyes immediately scanned the table for his sister, even standing up on his tippy toes to see that head of curly hair, because she had to be here, right? He’d lost her somewhere on the train and it looked like she wasn’t here either so he’d have to sit near, uh...... some of the newer people?
Lucas sat down on an empty seat - which, there were plenty of! - and looked around at the people sitting there properly. His eyes immediately landed on a Ravenclaw boy (Drew) he didn’t really know but, uh, wasn’t going to disturb. The second year just kind of smiled awkwardly and moved on.....
....... to a girl (Cordelia) he didn’t know either. Merlin, give him a break. But she had just been sorted, hadn’t she? Thinking of Prefect Abra - where was he?! - Lucas decided to say something. Because Prefect Abra. It was his logic. "Hey! Congrats! On, you know, the Sorting," This was awkward. Prefect Abra would NOT be proud. "I’m Lucas, by the way." Smile.
Trying not to think about how little air there was, the second year looked around again until his eyes landed on a familiar face. He tried not to sigh in relief but he did smile before saying, "Hey, Stella! Can you believe we’re second years?" Crazy!
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