Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
Posts: 32,843
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: -- x11 x11
| urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse RULES: GRAPHIC MAKERS: While we fully encourage you to display your artistic abilities, we do have a few rules in place. First and foremost, all SS Board Rules apply, no exceptions. Please pay particular attention to the graphics section of the rules, as well as the rules about harassment, plagiarism and spamming. Also, Gladrags is a moderated forum which means that your thread will need to be approved by one of the moderators before it appears publicly. Please keep this in mind when submitting any threads here! First Thread: There are a few special rules to keep in mind in regards to the very first thread of your shop:- Please use the appropriate prefix for your thread (Request Shop)
- All header images cannot exceed 450 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height
- Please state clearly in the very first line whether you are taking requests, making grab bags or both
- Please also state what kind of images you are willing to make (avatars, signatures, profile pictures, banners, wallpapers)
- Please state the rules of your thread in this first post
- Displaying examples of your work is encouraged but you can display a maximum of five examples in the first post. If you want to add more, please put these under a photocut or a spoiler tag:
[photocut=la dee da]images go here[/photocut]
[spoiler=la dee da]images go here[/spoiler] - Please note that any examples that are bigger than the SS requirements should always be under a tag
Image Sizes: Here on SS, we have a few rules in regards to the size of the images you can create, especially those that are going to be used around the site. They are as follows:- Avatars: 100 x 100 pixels, 20kb
- Signatures: 450 x 200 pixels, 60kb
- Profile Pictures and Bio Pics: 350 x 350 pixels, 60kb
- GIFs: 350 x 350 pixels, 60kb; we do accept using gifs for requests or as a reaction image but please make sure that they’re under the above requirements. This is because GIFs tend to be much heavier and this makes it difficult for those with slower internet connections to load pages and can be detrimental to the site’s speed as a whole. Larger sized GIFs should be linked to your own image hosting account
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s work and/or ideas and pass it off as your own/don’t give proper credit. This also includes altering someone else’s graphics or redoing a graphic someone else has made for you. This is not allowed on SS at all, no exceptions. If you are caught plagiarising, you will be severely punished. Absences: If you know you’re going to be away for a while, please make sure to contact a Gladrags mod who’ll temporarily close your shop so that you don’t return to a large number of requests. Alternatively, you can also post within your shop and say that you’re going to be absent for a while. Inactivity: Sometimes, real life happens. Sometimes creative blocks happen. While that’s completely understandable, we do have a policy in regards to inactivity: any shop that has been inactive for 2 months will be closed and moved to the Catalogue Collection. If you want to reopen the thread, please make sure to contact one of your Gladrags mods who will reactivate your thread.
Finally, we ask you to please be respectful to everyone who uses this forum. If you have any questions or concerns, please make sure to contact one of your Gladrags mods and we’ll be happy to help you out. REQUESTING MEMBERS: First and foremost, all SS Board Rules apply, no exceptions. Please pay particular attention to the graphics section of the rules, as well as the rules about harassment, plagiarism and spamming.
In terms of requesting, there are a few other rules to keep in mind:- Please make sure you read the first post of each shop so that you know the rules of that graphic maker. They can differ between threads so this is particularly important.
- Please do not request the same thing across multiple shops. Not only is it incredibly rude, but it also makes the graphic designer feel as though you do not trust their judgement. Just don’t do it
- When including images, please make sure they are SS appropriate. This includes no swear words and nothing provocative
- Please be patient when requesting something. It may take some time for them to get to you, especially if they are popular and/or have other things going on
- However, if it has been over a month since your request has been given to you and/or since you've heard from the graphic maker, you're allowed to go elsewhere with the request
- Please do not edit and/or have someone else edit the work of another graphic maker
- Please make sure to credit the member who has made your graphic
Finally, we ask you to please be respectful to everyone who uses this forum. If you have any questions or concerns, please make sure to contact one of your Gladrags mods and we’ll be happy to help you out. CONTEST HOSTS: While the Gladrags moderators host and maintain the Goblet of Graphics contest thread, we invite and encourage you to create and host your own creative contest! Contests do not need to be limited to graphic making and can be drawings, doodles, crafts, photography, etc. When submitting a thread, please keep the following guidelines in mind. - Please use the appropriate prefix for your thread (Creative Contest)
- All header images cannot exceed 450 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height or 350 pixels in width and 350 pixels in height
- Please provide a detailed description of the concept of your creative contest in your thread submission. What makes it stand out from the others? Let everyone know!
- Please include a set of rules, both relevant to your own thread as well as referencing Gladrags rules. Here is a template to get you started:
- While not a requirement, we recommend you keep a running index in the first post of the start of each round, the voting, and the results.
- During each round, please include any details deemed necessary (type of graphics, number of submissions members are allowed to enter, timeframe, etc.)
- To create a poll for your contest thread, please PM any of the Gladrags moderators. Your PM must include:
- a link to your contest thread
- a title for your poll
- a list of all the options for the poll
- a timeframe for the poll to close
- when you are ready for a poll to be removed from your thread, PM one of the Gladrags moderators again requesting to do so.
- All SS and Gladrags rules apply
EVERYONE: Something important we want to bring to your attention is the topic of image hosting. There are a few image hosting sites out there but the ones we highly recommend are: - postimages.org: This site is specifically designed as an image hosting service for forum sites. They have a staff that search through the images themselves so anything that's not appropriate for them will definitely not be appropriate for site. Also, you can upload images and link it to SS without having an account but it's recommended to create an account in case you lose things.
- nickpic.host: This site has an almost social media feel to it in the sense that people can like your images and you can keep a track of them. There's also a feature where you can search for graphics and textures that other people have put up and put up some of your own as well. So, if you're into that, this might be the better option for you.
Please pick one of the above sites or, if you prefer any alternatives (imgur being another example), then you can use them as well. However, please make sure to use your own image hosting account.
Finally, have fun and happy graphicating!
Last edited by Suziella; 08-24-2021 at 09:08 AM.