Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Oh crumbs.
She was coming to Hogwarts too. This was going to be the worst. At least, as far as Odaline was aware, there was only a 25% chance that they would be in the same house. Even less if you thought about the traits that they shared. None, if you had to know. None whatsoever. Odaline's mouth curled downwards into a frown and she shrugged. "Fun." It wasn't.
She spared a glance towards the sketchbook that Cordelia had and took it into her own hands, flicking through the pages without a care about the other girls feelings. It only confirmed that this girl would be the sort of person Cordelia disliked when the sketchbook was suddenly taken from her without warning. ”Hey, that’s mine!” Rude. Didn’t the girl know it was rude to snatch things? What the girl would find in the sketchbook was mostly drawings of horses and unicorns, with a few dogs and other animals thrown in there too. Had the girl asked, Cordelia would have been happy to show the drawings to her. Downright stealing it was crossing a line though. It wasn’t often that Cordelia was able to get a new sketchbook, so she really needed to get that back. She hoped the other girl would not be inclined to steal anything else from her. There were plenty of things in Cordelia’s backpack that she literally couldn’t live without.
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