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Old 12-29-2018, 09:37 PM
WhittyBitty WhittyBitty is offline
Default WhittyBitty & FearlessLeader19's 100 Adventure-Filled Drabbles for Olly & Esme Sa13+

Hey! I'm Whit, and I have done several drabble threads over my time on SS. Me and Ali (FearlessLeader19) have decided to make a thread for our RP characters Esme Darcy and Oliver McDean and their relationship over the years.

DISCLAIMER: The Harry Potter universe and everything contained in it belongs to J.K. Rowling
list of prompts;

1. Spellotape 2. (Newt Scamander's) Magical Suitcase 3. (Hagrid's) Pink Umbrella 4. Vanishing Cabinet 5. Wireless 6. (Weasley's) Clock/Grandfather clock 7. (Hermione's) Enchanted Coin 8. Rubber Duck 9. Hogwarts Express 10. (Moody's) Magical Eye
1. Gilt 2. Nobility 3. Rushing 4. Warmth 5. Crimson 6. Righteous 7. Fury 8. Sword 9. Kingdom 10. Roar
1. Judgement. 2. Roll call 3. Slick 4. Reign 5. Creek 6. Turtle dove 7. Silk sheets 8. Sunrise 9. Silver 10. Nocturnal
1. Barrels 2. Tickle the pear 3. Overstuffed armchair 4. Duffer 5. Midnight feast 6. Pay it forward 7. Broom polishing kit 8. Buddy system 9. Dedicated 10. Potato
1. All night study session 2. overdue library book 3. Overthinking 4. Riddle of the Spinx 5. Eclectic 6. Obnoxous 7. Bronze 8. Dictionary 9. Point Me 10. Diadem
1. Comfort 2. Dawn 3. Growth 4. Bed 5. Supper 6. Teapot 7. Photo 8. Desk 9. Hearth 10. Midnight
1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Fall 5. Feast 5. Winter 6. Snowball 7. Yule Ball 8. Orchideous 9. Lumos 10. Nox
1. Muggle Studies 2. Ancient Runes 3. Divination 4. Care of Magical Creatures 5. Arithmancy 6. Dragonhide gloves 7. Duel 8. Quidditch 9. Hogsmeade 10. Apparition
1. Pensieve 2. Wizard’s Chess 3. Portkey 4. Howler 5. Deluminator 6. Invisibility Cloak 7. Remembrall 8. Marauder's Map 9. Sneakoscope 10. Exploding Snap
1. Mirror of Erised 2. Amortentia 3. Expecto Patronum 4. Legilimens 5. SpeRevelio 6. Extendable Ears 7. Anti-Cheating Quill 8. Omnioculars 9. Prior Incantato 10. Prophecy
Oliver drabbles completed = 4


Esme was FREEZING. Why did the winters in Scotland have to be so COLD?!

Sighing, the Second Year moved the chair she was sitting in closer to the fire so that she could get more warmth. Her hands were going numb, so she placed them as near to the flames as she could without risking getting burned.

It was then that her friend Oliver showed up. "You know, there are spells that would do a more effective job. I could teach you one if you want me to." He smiled.

Esme turned towards him and grinned. "Please, I'm dying!"