Rules and Expectations {For the Quidditch Pitch} In Character Rules: (For your student) Respect Differences Show respect to your peers and professor at ALL times. Good sportsmanship is expected by each and every one of you. Be on time Tardiness will not be excused under any circumstances. I don't care if you ate too much at breakfast and had an upset stomach. You're late, you're late and it will not be tolerated. Be Prepared Yes this is flying class, which means you WILL be expected to get on that broom and fly. I will do everything in my power to ensure that this is a comfortable experience for each and every one of you, but that requires cooperation on YOUR part, as well. Broom handling The broom, whether borrowed or your own, is not a toy and should be handled with care. Follow Directions This might seem obvious, but flying can be extremely dangerous and therefore you will be expected and required to follow the flying instructor's directions AT ALL TIMES to avoid harm to yourself, your peers, and/or the brooms. Recklessness may result in loss of house points. Sorry firsties Only second years and above may own a broom. All personal brooms must be stored in the Broomshed* *Please let the Flying Instructor know what broom your character owns so we can edit it into the broomshed thread Fly safe Only fly in designated areas. Remain in the Quidditch Pitch area, that’s what it’s there for after all. Anyone caught flying elsewhere will result in a loss of House Points and may lose their flying privileges for the rest of the term. No eating or goofing around You have plenty of time to consume food in the Great Hall and should NEVER be consuming food on or near the pitch. If you must eat due to medical conditions where you cannot wait until your next meal, you must consult me beforehand. Finally, HAVE FUN Because yes, flying a broomstick IS fun and enjoyable Out of Character Rules: SS site rules and Role Play Specific rules Apply to this classroom and throughout the school at all times. No exceptions. Any questions about these rules can be directed to a moderator or an administrator.
Know the difference between IC and OOC. Understand that the professor is a character; her actions should not be taken personally OOC.
Additionally, anyone who changes their answers after reading what another member has written, will not earn ANY points for changing their answer. If you had more to add, post again. You are free to edit coding or quotes in your post, but I will check your edits to be sure you haven't added information that someone else gave or changed your answers. Just do yourselves (and your house) a favor; don't change your answers. Special Note: I am on Eastern Standard Time. I will however try to announce lesson times in both EST and GMT. I will also make an attempt to give you at least 48 hours notice for lessons so you can make arrangements to not miss my lessons, if you wish to attend, although you're more than encouraged to jump in at any time throughout the lesson.
Text Cut: Earning House Points in Lessons For participating in a Flying lesson, you can earn up to 20 points. Take note that my lessons may not adhere to this structure strictly. This is just the basic rubric that I can adjust no matter how the components of my lessons are arranged. Below is the grading rubric that I will be using to administer individual points: - Arrival - 2 points possible
- 1 = member produces a post with limited character action/reaction
- 2 = member produces a post with detailed character action/reaction
- Question 1 - 3 points possible (verbal and non-verbal correct/incorrect responses accepted)
- 1 = member produces a post that does not respond to the prompt OR produces a post with a copied response from web/another student
- 2 = member produces a post with a response that is original/in their own words
- 3 = member produces a post with a detailed response that is original/in their own words
- Question 2 - 3 points possible (verbal and non-verbal correct/incorrect responses accepted)
- 1 = member produces a post that does not respond to the prompt OR produces a post with a copied response from web/another student
- 2 = member produces a post with a response that is original/in their own words
- 3 = member produces a post with a detailed response that is original/in their own words
- Practice/Mini-Activity - 4 points possible (at least 1 post required -- does not need the "correct" end result to get maximum points)
- 1 = member produces a post with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
- 2 = member produces a post with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
- 3 = member produces a post with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character actions/thoughts, missing few essential details)
- 4 = member produces a post with outstanding detail/creativity (provides character actions/thoughts, missing minor/no essential details)
- Practical/Main Acitivty - 8 points possible (at least 1 post required -- does not need the "correct" end result to get maximum points)
- 1-2 = member produces a post/multiple posts with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
- 3-4 = member produces a post/multiple posts with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
- 5-6 = member produces a post/multiple posts with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character actions/thoughts, missing few essential details)
- 7-8 = member produces a post/multiple posts with outstanding detail/creativity (provides character actions/thoughts, missing minor/no essential details)
If you have any questions regarding how to earn House Points through your lesson participation, please contact me by PM. |