Originally Posted by
Krel Ansell Adam wandered round the room sniffing various things until he came to the coffee maker.
”AH!” he exclaimed as he pulled the pot from the maker. He put the thing to his nose and – sniiiiiffffffffffff-------
It was an interesting smell. He wondered how it tasted. He opened his mouth and drank directly from the pot - -
And immediately spat it out.
”HOT!” he exclaimed!
Although the taste hadn't been exactly pleasing or exciting even. Just the small sip left him feeling invigorated! Refreshed!! Stimulated!!!
He proceeded drink again (directly from the pot) the bitter sour earthy black liquid as he looked around the room.
A muffin basket caught his eye and he walked over (still guzzling the coffee from the pot) and started poking a finger at the fluffy tops. It wobbled under his finger. Oooo, he thought. He poked it again, only this time his finger left a hole. He poked another one, leaving another hole. A few more hole-poked muffins later, he paused in his coffee gobbling and picked up a muffin. Not bothering to tap off the paper wrapping, he started shoving it into mouth.
Luckily for the man, the level six break room was full of delightful smells and delicious tastes. The hot coffee and fresh muffins sitting out in the open were just the tip of the iceberg of what could be found here.
Just inside the refrigerator can be found a treasure trove of foods and drinks. Not only is it stocked with snacks, but many of the employees of this department elect to keep their lunches inside. And what's that still cooking in the magical microwave? Looks like someone is having pasta carbonara for lunch today...