Name: Amelia Mae Rose
Age: 16
Birthday: August 1, 2048
Heritage: Half and Half
Wand: Vine wood, 11" with a phoenix feather core...quite flexible
Appearance: long red, wavy hair. Green eyes. 5'3". Average build.
History: Amelia is a sixth year atypical Hogwarts female. She comes from a family where her mother is a witch and father is a muggle, which can create some tensions. She has two older brothers, Andrew (21) and Alex (19), whom already graduated Hogwarts. Her brothers played beater and seeker on their House team, which helped shape Amelia's love for quidditch. She also has a younger brother, Aaron, who is turning 9 this year.
Amelia loves learning new things and meeting new people, but at the same time, she has a rather quiet side too. She tends to be more reserved, but won't hesitate to use her voice when it is needed. Just stay on her good side, and you have nothing to fear.
She has held the position of house prefect since fifth year, and is pleased to be returning again.
Other info: Relationship status - Single, but not available
[As your House Prefect, I thought that I might also post some OOC info too. My name is Jessica, and I am a first year graduate student majoring in Physical Therapy. This will be my fourth term RPing here on SS and I love every bit of it. Not to steal Nabs cup of tea no pun intended, i swear!, but if you need any help with anything, then feel free to PM me and I will reply ASAP. Thanks!]