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This was definitely that Chloe girl, alright. The talking too much was sort of the giveaway. Inwardly sighing, Manon nodded at the other girl's lengthy speech about pirates and maps and how they should find the hidden treasure. Honestly, Manon tuned her out after three words. Why would pirates even think of hiding their treasure in a rubbish bin when the ocean is Merlin knows how many hectares of unexplored waters. "Uh, no...I don't think so. Pirates aren't that dumb."
She also didn't think Chloe would push more questions but here she was making another face at So what are you really doing in there? Manon thought what her choices could be; she could keep on pretending that she was a beggar and just tell her that she was just looking for something to eat for lunch, or introduce herself as a classmate and say she dropped something on the bin?
The latter could work.
And Manon was just about to have that scenario play out when the blonde started calling out to yet another girl. DEAR GRINDELWALD. She didn't need any more witnesses! "Chloe, I don't think she--"
Oh no. She didn't call her by her name, did she?
Clamping her mouth shut, Manon just hoped the other girl didn't notice.
Crap. Mary got herself into a social situation. A very awkward one. She wanted to defend the girl, but didn't know what to say. She was just a tiny, akward firat year. She did the most logical thing her mind could come up with, stayed silent, but moved closer. What a stupid idea.