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Old 12-17-2018, 02:13 AM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is offline
Default Flying Noticeboard

Next to the entrance to the Quidditch Pitch hangs a large noticeboard for the students to keep up with all things flying related. Dates and times for lesson, Quidditch tryouts, practices, matches and other activities will be posted here.

Be sure to stroll by the Pitch now and then to not miss any pertinent flying information that Healer Adara would like the students to know.

Text Cut: Term 51 Quidditch Rosters

Seeker (#7) - Abraham Botros Jr (Felixir)
Keeper (#6) - {Faith Chosen (laurange)}On probation to be replaced by Mya Orr (NPC)
Captain: Chaser (#1) - Anna Meriwether (Hey Ju)
Chaser (#2) - {Tessa Roberts (natekka)} On probation to be replaced by Emma Dakest (PatInTheHat)
Chaser (#3) - {Jozef Kowalski (Harron Peasley)} On probation to be replaced by Cordelia Winklebleck (griffin)
Beater (#4) - Rylee Prichard (Kolyander)
Beater (#5) - {Zoryn Spinnet (ArianaBlack)} On probation to be replaced by Robert Chavez (NPC)

Reserve (#8): Emma Dakest (PatInTheHat)
Reserve (#9): Cordelia Winklebleck (griffin)
Reserve (#10): Lydia Myers (NPC)

Captain: Seeker (#7) - Bel Macindoe (Tegz)
Keeper (#6) - Casper Watts (NPC)
Chaser (#1) - Eamon Macnair (Wood’sLittleFlower)
Chaser (#2) - Ronan Wallace (Daemon)
Chaser (#3) - Maxmilian Anderson-Belfort (nicole black)
Beater (#4) - Derfael Ashburry-Hawthorne (sweetpinkpixie)
Beater (#5) - Aaron Botros (Govoni)

Reserve (#8): Sterling Archer Calrissian (lazykitty)
Reserve (#9): Christina Rogers (NPC)
Reserve (#10): Tammy Scott (NPC)

Seeker (#7) - Chloe McCarthy (Bazinga)
Keeper (#6) - Mark Gunter (DJ Moose)
Chaser (#1) - Septimus Hadley-Nairne (Holmesian Feline)
Chaser (#2) - Trinetta Gladin (Lissy Longbottom)
Chaser (#3) - Hanna Newton (Jessiqua)
Beater (#4) - Teddy Potter (Charely Potter)
Captain: Beater (#5) - Juniper Primeaux (SarcasticStrawberry)

Reserve (#8): Jackson Thomas (Dokimoto)
Reserve (#9): Tina Dantes (MadMadamMalfoy)
Reserve (#10): Ewan Jones (GD2204)
Reserve (#11): Valencia Phillips (LilFox06)

Seeker (#7) - Lara O’Reilly (NPC)
Keeper (#6) - Holly Tamesis (Stormdancer)
Captain: Chaser (#1) - Patrick Dooley (siriusblackliveson)
Chaser (#2) - Skyler Queen (2111jen)
Chaser (#3) - Zachary Lowe (Samia)
Beater (#4) - Cameron Tamesis (Lislchen)
Beater (#5) - Gunnar McCarthy (emjay)

Reserve (#8): Beth Greyvson (Optimist.Prime)
Reserve (#9): Jeremy Taylor (NPC)
Reserve (#10): José Cabrera (NPC)

Text Cut: Term 51 Quidditch Cup Standings

Gryffindor: 280
Hufflepuff: 610
Ravenclaw: 380
Slytherin: 460