carsyn ^_^ ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Odaline took a deep breath as she walked back into the store she had just ran back out of. Her parents were letting her and Ingrid go into a store of their choice on their own... for a test. If they successfully came out with an item or more, then they'd be able to do this more frequently. But Odaline did not want to, and that was why she had walked out the first time. Except.. she was off to Hogwarts in September and so she needed to be better than this. Like Ingrid was.
Because she hadn't came outside yet. So she was clearly doing her shopping in the sweet store and being successful.
As Odaline walked along an aisle, she touched the labels on the shelves and whispered 'you're okay, you're okay, you're okay' to herself.
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________ |