For Rach Little Fox | ˝ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA Annie McLuen had decided to take her three daughters out for a day of shopping. It would have been nice to have a day out with the whole family but, unsurprisingly, Harry hadn't wanted to come and, unfortunately, Wilbur had taken ill. At the beginning of summer, too, poor dear. Sean had stayed home to look after him, but Annie expected that by now he was playing video games with his eldest son while his other son was sleeping off his illness. In her opinion, a day out with her girls was infinity more enjoyable than anything involving video games.
With their pockets filled with a decent amount of money - enough to buy themselves a few treats each if spent wisely - the McLuen girls exited Gringotts and made their way out onto the street. "Where first, girls?" Annie asked. She wanted it to be a day that was all about them. She had missed them so much while they were at school and, after hearing about what Hogwarts had been like, she knew they deserved a treat. Poppy McLuen's eyes coolly scanned the area. She knew exactly where she wanted to go first, and she knew that her sisters and mother were also well aware of where she wanted to go first. Flourish and Blotts. It was always Fourish and Blotts. Therefore, it didn't need to be stated. "Néve?" She asked, knowing that her younger sister most likely shared in her desire to go to the bookstore first. There were probably other places that Néve wanted to go, too, but not before F&Bs. "And what about you, Rowan?" She asked, turning her head towards her older but smaller sister. "You just graduated, after all," Poppy added with a proud smile. Néve McLuen's eyes darted from her mother, to Poppy, to Rowan. She stayed quiet, hidden ever so slightly behind Rowan's arm, and clutched her sister's hand. She knew that summer would be fleeting, so she wanted to be by Rowan's side for as much of it as possible. The reminder that she had graduated put a lump in Néve's throat. Already, she had to miss her parents and Harry (because he had gone to stupid Durmstrang) when she was at Hogwarts, and now Rowan, too.
She brushed the hair out of her eyes; she still wasn't used to her new haircut. "I.. I need more parchment. And I want to get a new notebook. And books." And sweets, but she didn't want to admit that. Néve didn't want to seem greedy. "But we can do what Rowan wants to do first," she quickly added. |