Sarah ~ ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya! It was summer and children were just EVERYWHERE, running around and making noises and generally just being...children. It made one of Zia's nerves twitch. She didn't not like children. In fact, in her field of work, she was constantly interacting with children. It was just that she preferred them screaming and crying over a boo-boo and not...stomping and throwing tantrums over their parents disallowing them to overindulge in candy. Crying over a real injury was much acceptable than crying over candy.
If she ever had children of her own, she was going to make sure they knew the difference.
The healer hitched her handbag higher on her shoulder as she sauntered past the children. As much as she wanted to go grab a glass of wine right now, she had certain priorities also known as buying her monthly supplies of assorted candies.
Yes, she had a sweet tooth, and no, it was something she rather not disclose to anyone else. Zianna Jean Castell didn't like candies. Nope.
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