Thread: Mysteries: Thought Chamber
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Old 12-11-2018, 09:13 PM   #14 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Originally Posted by Encephalons! View Post
[..] The presence of the humans in the chamber certainly had a very captive audience. Another of the collective, this one known as Reil, had taken a particular interest in the presence of the human touching the tank [Krel Ansell] and its tendrils reached forward and stroked the glass opposite of their hand. Flashes of something vivid illuminated certain regions of its form. Yes, it likes this human very much....enough that it whacked one of its tendrils over the top of another known as Galen to glide away.[…]
There was something mesmerizing about the glow in the tank. That red-yellow light was buzzing with a certain…etwas Something about the color was captivating, even though Adam knew the red light was a warning that whatever it was was a tad aggressive...But the yellow was soothing. Comforting. He felt a tap-tap-pat against his hand as if the ball of light - which somewhere in his head, he knew to be a brain - was trying to pat him on the hand. Oddly, it was a wee bit comforting to the lonely mostly-blind German.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
[..] “So, you lot discovered another solution that will be better?’’ The casual question was thrown at any Mysteries employee as she headed over to Adam. “Looks like you and I are going to be a team today, Adam! How do we do this? Any special equipment needs to be used? Anything in particular I should know about these Enceph- oh, forget it- brains?’’
Stepping a tad closer to the tank, the woman shook her head at Adam. “I don’t think so. At least I don't think it would be that simple.’’
Questions. Comments. The lady next to him was talking to him. Adam pulled his hand away and pushed his over-sized purple sunglasses up in order to get a better look at his colleague Megan. His blue eyes glowed (a side-effect of the site-restoration potion he was taking) as he blinked at her trying to get the red-yellow color to minimize. Slowly, the red-yellow was replaced with a soft pinky-white in the shape of a human.

”Umm…” came Adam’s response around the raspberry wood wand in his mouth. Equipment? Ways to go about doing this? HA! All very good questions! Questions that Adam didn’t really have answers to, hence the idea of using accio. He hardly ever spent time in this chamber, preferring the quiet noisiness and ambrosial-malodorous smells of the potion chamber. Finally done uncorking his veils, he put them down on the small ledge of the tank and plucked his wand from his teeth. ”Try not touch prain.” A simple enough response, but hey, sometimes people needed to be reminded of the simple things.

Think about it, perhaps a few things might help. Swishing his wand around, Adam said, ”Accio tvo match drakon hide gloffes,” a few things flopped about making a rattle and then something flew towards Adam that was not dragon-hide gloves. A moment later, something soggy smacked Adam in the back of the head. ”Autsch!“ he exclaimed in German.

Somewhere nearby, his big purple sunglasses clattered to the floor. Perhaps he should have said his request in German...

Last edited by Krel Ansell; 12-11-2018 at 10:16 PM. Reason: spelling mistake; pretty sure Megan isn't a college
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