:3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Tad went up to his dorm room with purpose. He had to do the thing he was use to doing when he was an ickle. Walking to his bed, he tore off the bed sheets, unraveling the pillows as they bounced off and onto the floor. He shut the windows temporarily to silence the wind before making work of building a tent. Well, to the wandering eye it looked like he was having fit with the speed he was working. In actuality he was making a tent, but it was more than it. It was a Blanket Fort.
Tad having been so use to making these whipped it up in a matter of minutes before finally scooping up the pillows discarded and laying inside the fort that was built by his bed. This was better... Now he just needed to reach into his secret candy stash for this to be perfect. |