Thread: Staff Table
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Old 12-06-2018, 12:53 PM   #14 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Alice
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Gone were her standard white Yoga robes. In their place were robes identical to her other robes in every way but the colour. Black. Blacker than the blackest night. Black that was so black it made it look as if she had torn a piece of fabric from the abyss and covered her original robes with it. Fitting, considering the bitterness she now felt towards many of her colleagues.

"Good evening, Sir Headmaster," she said, inclining her head respectfully to Julian. "Good evening, Professors Wishart, Le Roux. I hope the three of you are content." A polite turn to each of them as well.

There were only two people in this castle she truly loved, and only one of them returned her affections. Knowing this made her feel colorless and cold.

With one mealmate not in attendance meaning Haraladur, Joshua turned his attention to Alice by his other side with a small smile. He felt he had maybe not spoken to her enough these past months. "Good evening Alice! You look pretty. We got through the year! My first year of teaching was interesting i must say...." Joshua sincerely hoped that the BoG had taken his and Foster's letter seriously and taken appropriate action.

SPOILER!!: Foster
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom View Post
Once he was close enough to the table, he gave a semi polite nod to the members of Sceimgeour's tribe before making a quick stop in front of Alice and Joshua. "Professor O'Hara, you are looking lovely this evening. The black robes really make your eyes pop." He gave her a kind smile before addressing his friend. "Josh, it has been quite the year. It's been a pleasure working with you."

Once he had finished, he made his way around to the other side of the table and took his seat near the end, hoping Katrina would arrive soon.

He wouldn't say anything out loud since Joshua had Scrimegour practically next to him , but he would be glad when he could leave for summer and spend it without Scrimegour and his tribe of hateful goons. When his mate Foster stopped in front of him Joshua smiled and nodded. "Foster, yes it's been quite an interesting and eventful year. It has been a big pleasure to work with you. I hope we can keep in touch over the summer and maybe meet in Diagon Alley?" Joshua had come to rely on Foster for teaching advice and someone to vent things to. They had in a short time become good friends and he wanted to keep building on that relationship.

SPOILER!!: Scrimegour
Originally Posted by Julian Scrimgeour View Post

Both Wishart and Le Roux received nods of acknowledgement, as did O'Hara when she arrived. The Herbology professor he didn't have much to say about, Le Roux was the quiet type, and the old man wasn't sure about O'Hara these days.

Fletcher, though, received more than just a nod. Considering he was his righthand man, even if it was 'unofficial' on paper. "We can only hope the night goes quickly. And without any trouble," he responded with a grunt.

Then Petrov received a nod in response to his greeting, as did Davis, Sabra, and Ainsworth. When Marchand made an appearance, the headmaster completely avoided making eye-contact with the man and instead looked out to the students that were coming in, only to be displeased with a particular student's attire and decision to stick out like a sore thumb.

Fortunately their Head of House had just shown up. Scrimgeour nodded in response to the greeting but then stated, "You had better go control one of your Hufflepuffs before I do." It was bad enough the Potions master had walked past the girl and didn't do anything about it.

In fact... "If you see any student wearing anything but their uniform," he informed the Heads, "tell them to leave the Great Hall and change. If they refuse to change, then they can leave without a meal and instead run laps on their last night." And if they thought they could sneak to the kitchens, they'd be disappointed - the elves were ordered not to feed any student, not to mention the no-food-outside-the-Great-Hall-and-kitchens rule was still in place.

The man then sat in his seat in silence, giving the Heads the chance to actually do their jobs and control the children who thought they could rebel tonight and get away with it. If the adults proved incompetent, well, that would be reflected over the summer.

After several minutes had gone by, the man rose from his seat and made his way over to the podium. "Rise." Those ice blue eyes of his were watching and remembering faces. There was plenty of time for running laps if that was how disobedient students wanted to spend their last night of school.

"The term has come to an end," the man began, his eyes looking from student to student. "I cannot deny that the term started off rocky, though I can attest to progress being made." Scrimgeour paused before carrying on with his speech. "Though there is still a long way to go for Hogwarts. I hope many of you take think about how you can contribute to that progress, especially if you are returning to us next term." Respect and obedience - though he didn't say it, that was all the man wanted.

"Being leaders in contributing to progress this term" - for the most part - "was Ravenclaw House, which is why they are the recipients of the House Cup. Their efforts have earned them one thousand, three hundred, and twenty-three points, causing them to win by a landslide. I hope the other Houses take a leaf out of their book next term."

The man didn't applaud. He just kept on speaking.

"For those not returning to use next year due to graduating, I hope that your education here as done you well and that you contribute positively to wizarding society, whatever path you decide to choose."

With that said, the headmaster walked away from the podium and made his way back to his seat. Two metal fingers were snapped when he was at his chair and then sat down as the drinks and food appeared. "You may be seated."

Except those who decided to not stand wouldn't be sitting very long. He'd be sending someone after them or grace them with his own presence soon enough.

Joshua was mildly surprised that he even got a nod of acknowledgement out of Scrimegour. He usually got ignored moreso off late since he and Foster had stopped Ainsworth and Le Roux's wrong doing against the students. Never in his short teaching experience had he thought he'd see a professor raise his wand and cast spells at students to hurt them and the fury he had felt inwardly because of it.

Joshua kept silent when Scrimegour adressed the heads of houses and mainly Noble. He rose to listen attentively to Scrimegours speech but he wished it could go quickly since he was hungry. When the speech was over he sat and began helping himself to the feast food.
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