Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ Noble was never one for tardiness; not for himself, not in his classroom. Today though, he found himself one of the last to arrive at the staff table, and unusually, he was at peace with this. That didn't mean to say his was in a celebratory mood, however. Dressed in classic cut black robes and a golden yellow scarf draped open around his neck, his brow was furrowed in thought as strode down the middle aisle. A certain delinquent Hufflepuff ignoring the uniform regulations should probably consider themselves lucky...for now, at least. "Good evening," he greeted his colleagues as a collective as he reached the staff table, "Headmaster." He gave a slight nod to the latter, before moving to take his seat next to Ainsworth.
One word to describe his mood tonight? Conflicted.
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