12-05-2018, 10:52 AM
Gladrags Wizardwear ![](https://s26.postimg.cc/al7enzhjt/gladrags-wizardwear-banner4.jpg) Gladrags Wizardwear has large windows showing off its quirky and novelty clothing. Anything from robes to shirts to socks and even underpants can be found inside on display. There's no need to wait until the next time you can make a trip to London or Paris or any of its branches stationed around the globe -- Hosgmeade's very own clothing store will have you looking your best in no time at all as soon as you walk through the door.
Once inside, you will find yourself overwhelmed by fabric of all shapes, sizes, and colours. Anyone that loves to shop for clothes will find themselves in heaven here. Mannequins showing off the newest merchandise will follow you around and place clothing in your hands, enticing you to take the clothing and try them on in the changing rooms in the back of the building. If you have any questions or need some altercations, the shopkeeper is there to help. Text Cut: Inventory & Pricing Apparel Plain Black Robes: 3 galleons House Themed Robes: 3 galleons, 5 sickles Dress Robes (assorted colours and materials): prices range from 5 galleons, up to 10 galleons Cloaks (Plain black): 2 galleons Cloaks (Black with Brass or Silver Fastenings): 3 galleons Sweaters: 2 galleons, 8 sickles Shirts/blouses: 1 galleon, 2 sickles Skirts/trousers: 2 galleons, 4 sickles Vests (grey): 1 galleon, 10 sickles Accessories: Scarves (knit, assorted colors): 10 sickles Black Pointed Hat: 10 sickles Gloves (knit): 5 sickles Dragon Hide Gloves: 16 sickles Dragon Hide Jacket: 2 galleons Stockings/Tights: 5 sickles per pair Socks (knee or ankle): 5 sickles per pair Hats (knit): 12 sickles Earmuffs: 1 galleon * Note: if there's any apparel not listed, but you think should be, don't hesitate to see Ms Longshadow at the main counter, as she will be more than happy to check the back stock or order it for you if it is unavailable in the store.
Custom orders are available and prices vary depending on the request. Alterations for anything are available as well, upon request and included as a one-time free of charge before leaving the shop. Repairs and tailoring is also available starting at 1 galleon, depending on the fabric.