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Old 12-05-2018, 08:57 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Persephone Smithfield
First Year
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post

"Hey D, Penny, Daisy. Archer - nice dress!" And hey... person she still didn't know the name of. She gave the mussed up guy ("Phe") a cheerful, if slightly wary smile.

Bel ruffled Derfael's hair as she walked past him and then climbed sideways into the spot next to him, casually straddling the bench with one leg on either side so that she was looking down the Great Hall towards the Staff Dais.

.... was she the only one who was GLAD that the feast was here? The FEAST being here meant the term was over! Exams were over! They were going home! They could stretch their legs and go and do fun things and not feel like they were constantly walking on eggshells! Yep, the Australian girl was in good spirits. The state of the house cup did not bother her one bit, and even the disappointment of not only losing their status as Quidditch champs but ending up dead last wasn't enough to bring her down.

SUMMMMMMER was on the horizon, and she had so many bonza plans with her mates already, and days and days to fill up still. What was one more day at Hogwarts?
Daisy smiled at Bel. "Hey, Bel. I think you did an amazing job as Quidditch captain this year. Maybe we'll win next year. How do you think you went in your exams?"

Daisy rubbed her eyes, a sign that she felt stressed about how she thought she had personally done in her exams. Maybe if certain events didn't happen, she could feel more at ease.
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