connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow All things considered, this term hadn't actually been all THAT bad. He didn't really know why the other kids were making a big fuss. They hadn't been attacked by inferi and noone had been possessed so that was something, right?? Not only that, but he was actually able to run a full lap of the Quidditch pitch without wanting to keel over and puke his guts up so that was a bonus. "Alright there, rebel?" Max greeted, flopping onto the bench opposite Natalie and immediately noticing the lack of uniform under her robe. Her version of an up yours, he supposed.
He was feeling unusually chirpy (because FEAST!!) so everyone else got a nod and even a smile too. That's when he noticed Skyler still standing. He looked in the direction of the staff table and Headmaster RoboMan before turning back to the younger Slytherin. "Y'know.... I reckon it's safe to sit. Unless you prefer standing. 'sup to you."
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