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Old 12-04-2018, 12:16 PM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Second-Floor Corridor

Arithmancy and the Headmistress' Office are the primary features on this arguably boring floor. Of course there are plenty of nooks and crannies to explore here, though the doors that fill the second-floor corridor, for the most part, open up to storerooms and vacant classrooms or offices. At least there are plenty of statues and portraits and a few suits of armour scattered about to make exploring a little more interesting.

Not far after stepping onto the second floor, the corridor opens up to a large, high-ceilinged foyer that branches off to the rest of the corridors on this level of the castle. One corridor containing a portrait of Bridget Wenlock will take you directly to the Arithmancy classroom; a large stone gargoyle can be seen in the distance down the middle corridor; and the other corridor will lead you toward an antechamber and, further down, the girls' bathroom. This part of the castle is not carpeted because of Moaning Myrtle's frequent habit of flooding the bathroom.