Distinguished Duellers With how brilliantly everyone did this term, it's a little difficult to decide who the top of the top were. Everyone was so impressive!
Now that the obligatory sugary phrases are out of the way...there were a few of you that definitely stood out to me. That's a part of life. Some of us are better at some things than others. If you didn't make this list, maybe you made someone else's. If you didn't...this just became an awkward statement and you should probably try harder. If you did make this list, GOOD FOR YOU.
The students listed here have stood out among the others for their skill, drive....or maybe they just got really lucky and I happened to observe them at just the right moments when they weren't epically failing. That's not my fault. Some people have good timing like that.
Give them a pat on the back, or the back of the head just to make sure they don't get complacent and forget to remain vigilant--that's...that's a joke...don't hit anyone. That's a detention. I'm not condoning that. This is escalating quickly so let me just move to the list.