Advanced Rune Study  Around the corner from the Ancient Runes classroom is a study that is open to all students who are working to become accomplished runologists. For those who consider themselves to be advanced learners, this room is perfect for enhancing one's knowledge of all concepts of Ancient Runes. This space is also for those who might be struggling with the subject and want, at the very least, to get themselves out of Troll status.
Upon opening the door, one will not be surprised at the amount of books present in the study. Several cherry wood bookcases filled to the brim with (unsurprisingly) thick books. Spellman's Syllabary, Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms, and Ancient Runes Made Easy are just some of the many titles that stick out at you upon first glance. Also housed on these shelves are varying levels of ancient script, some being pictures of real life monuments and others being delicate scrolls and pieces of parchment containing messages of the past. All items on the bookshelves are to be treated with great care and utmost respect. Mistreatment of any of these items will land oneself in detention before a protective Algiz galdr can be recited.
But there is so much more to this spacious room than just a series of books. Bright and colorful tapestries adorn the walls, depicting various scenes from Norse mythology. Beneath each tapestry stands an artefact related to each scene that should not be touched but rather admired. The centre of the room houses a large table designed for making rune sets and gandrs -- the necessary tools and equipment required for the making of these items can be found inside the drawers of the table or in baskets lying on the floor. Surrounding this work area are several groupings of leather chairs and sofas with accompanying tables that make transcribing and working on Ancient Runes homework a more comfortable task.
Explore the space and use its resources as you need. If you're in need of a break from your work or are feeling overly curious, turn the golden knob of the door tucked away in the back corner of the study and enter the wonder that is the Room of Runes.