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It was pretty epic being called wise in a lesson that you basically felt like a complete dunce in, and Bel perked up a little. What was all this about removing a troublesome intruder though? Couldn't be some kind of hint could it? Nahhh. Paranoia.
Bel eyed up the pairings and given she wasn't that in the know on her British Wizarding history, she kind of ended up just picking at random. A quick eenie meenie miney mo did the job, ending up with pairing c, Sirius Black and Rubeus Hagrid. Oh that was yonks ago too. Hum. Probably both dead by now then. Bel copied down the names and dates and then.... had a blank. Wait what bit of the birthday did they add again? She rummaged through her existing notes and reminded herself. The day. Okay. The day. Ripper. And then it was a matter of checking the letters on the chart to get the numbers...
She double and triple checked her maths, still not trusting herself to get things right the first time, and then jotted down the info she needed. Numbers 8 and 11? That master number thing. Those were weird. And honestly without putting that much thought into it, Bel didn't much like the idea of working with someone who was apparently hard to understand like an 11 was? That wasn't gonna help solve anything, was it? That alone had her leaning towards the 8, and that meant she had to come up with something to justify that.
Maaaybe that was the wrong approach but here she was doing it anyways.
Bel reread what she had wrote.... it would do. Probably. Maybe. Except she did have another question.
Sh stuck her hand up. "Professor? For people with master numbers do you only look at those or do you look at the number that it reduces to as well?" Was it a combination of things or what?
Noticing the captain's hand go up, Foster quietly made his way over.
"Without getting into too many of the finer details, yes, you can look at the reduced number as well. As you further your arithmancy studies, you will find that most arithmancers will not only look at the reduced single number, but also the two digit number used to find the final number. For example, a 7 can be made from a 4 and a 3. That person will have more 4 and 3 traits mixed in with their final 7 than a 7 that was made up of a 6 and a 1. So, one person would be a 43/7 and the other a 16/7" He paused
"I don't want you to worry about that for now. Just file it away in the back of your mind for our later studies. For our task at hand, focus on their master number, but know that the reduce number can also come into play in their personality." He hoped he didn't confuse her with too much they hadn't covered yet.
No sooner had he gotten back to his desk and sorted a few papers, he noticed the time.
"Looks like our time is up for today. Thank you all for your participation." He stood and walked over by the chalk board.
"Please gather your things and turn in your parchment on my desk. Since you all worked so hard today, I've decided to keep the classroom in this set up for the rest of the year. For each following lesson, you are welcome to pick which side you would like to sit on." If being comfortable helped make the lesson and day a bit less stressful, it was a simple thing he could do for them. "If anyone has any follow up questions from our lesson today, please feel free to visit my office. My door is always open to you."
OOC: Thank you all for participating!! I'll leave this open until Wednesday @ 9 PM PST for anyone that would like to finish up or make an exit post. If you have any final questions or anything, please feel free to PM, VM, or Skype me.