Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
Another year, another start to the ministry, this time after a bit more of a break than usual. Not that Simon had had much of a break at all, given the nature of his job and the cause of making sure anything and everything the now-former minister of magic had left was gotten rid of and the Ministry was back to relative normal. The head of security shook his head at the memory of having to escort the clearly insane man out of the premises when the drama had gone down. At least it was all over now and Simon knew he had NOTHING to worry about with his replacement.
Speaking of which, he noticed the man in question already gathered amongst the department heads and random employees early arrivers. Simon made a note to eventually make his way over to Minister Hollingberry at one point during the evening, however he already had a group gathered around him and Simon wasn’t one to casually interrupt. Instead, he settled on grabbing a drink and ever so absently wandering around. Working and not working all at once. The observant former auror never truly was off his guard.
Ryder's eyes drifted over the crowd, picking out those whom he recognized and noting those he didn't. He knew only a handful by name, and likely hadn't met most of them. He had noted that Bennett was there though and nodded before casually stiffly, strolling his way. He needed to talk with him particularly about the sweep but this was not to be a work visit. He rather would be in his office working on the plans for the department than sit through a social hour, but who was he to argue? "Notice anything in particular?" he asked in his gruff voice. He always had a stern sounding voice regardless if he was irked or not.
Did Bennett know who he was yet was the question. Ryder knew him by his photo in his file, had Isaac even spoken about leaving the ministry? Kid hadn't been old enough to be an auror in Ryder's opinion let alone having run the department for a few years. As the new minister appeared Ryder blinked and took a step back from them. Did the man really just pick him up? Better Bennett than him!