Maddox, Charles, Ursula, Vic mainly ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Accidents and Catastrophes? Megan Baines' ears perked up when she heard the new Minister mention her department. He definitely was welcoming fresh blood for the woman had never seen the one the Minister was speaking with before. "Hey, bossman,'' the blond said with a cheery grin. "Nope, haven't seen him. Hello, Minister. Welcome!'' Now she looked directly at the fresh blood (Ursula). "Did I hear correctly? Are you a part of Accident and Catastrophes?" Exciting times, man! Lucas was always excited to be a part of these little events. It was great to see the new employees and this time around, they were welcoming a new Minister. A disposable plate loaded with cheese straw, he took some time to observe. There was a bit of crowd gathering near the Minister since everyone no doubt wanted to welcome him. Then there was Victoria. He beamed to himself then began to make his way over to her. "Hello, Minister,'' Lucas said politely, opting to stop for a short while. He held out a hand. "Looking forward to working under your leadership. Lucas Hawthorne, Quidditch Division Manager.'' Now, he hadn't forgotten about Vic and after speaking with the Minister, he moved over to her. "Hi, Vic. Cheese straw?'' |