Simon didn't used to mix business and pleasure, but it was very different now... being in love and not wanting to be away from Garrett more than he had to be meant he traveled with him often. And that had made all the difference in the world. They were both busy with various things, so it was vital to make that time work for them. "I have met so many people whilst traveling around the world, that's the biggest perk for me." And going to the prophet meant he had moved to London and met his love and yeah... timing. "I'll email you a list of places to see. Hell... maybe I'll write a piece on The British Virgin Islands," he added as an afterthought.
Simon nodded as he sipped his coffee, a smile tugging the corners of his mouth. Family was indeed stressful, but it was a necessary evil. Heh. "Well. good that. I wouldn't dare send a child to Hogwarts in this climate. Always something terrible happening," he said with shake of the head. It was a death trap. it was. But really, Simon didn't have to worry about children.
"Praise be to Merlin. I will find a reason to be out of office around then," he laughed, dragging his free hand through his wild hair. "Any other plans for summer?" |