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Old 09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Welcome to Knockturn Alley

In a nook in Diagon Alley, a twisting alleyway that specialized in the Dark Arts branches out. This is Knockturn Alley. Children are not allowed here, not only are the wares sold in the stores and by the street vendors dodgy, but the wizards who frequent the shops are dark, mysterious, and you wouldn't want to meet them alone. This is a place that is KNOWN to be a bed of murders and a den of thieves. There may be Dark Wizards who will want to harm you, but also Aurors around to catch you. No one is your friend here. Trust No One.

Just click on the links to navigate Knockturn Alley:

Twisting Alleyway
Knockturn Alley branches off of the brightly lit and benign Diagon Alley. Along this cobble path, you'll find unique items and ideals of the Dark nature.

Or maybe you won't.

How pure is YOUR blood?

Watch your step and proceed with caution. It's not too late to go back to the brightly colored umbrella for a mocha and a muffin.

Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop
Arkie Alderton's Kwik-Repair Shop will fix your broomsticks while you wait. The shop has, over the years, expanded and is now a general repair store. The shopkeeper here will fix any magical equipment kwite kwikly.

The shop is oddly shaped, long and thin. There is a counter at the back of the room, covered in tools. Presumably this is where repairs are made though quite often strange, whispered conversations might be observed down that far end of the store.

Near the front is another counter where you can inquire about getting your magical items repaired and pay out of the nose to get them fixed. There is dumpy couch across from it ready for those customers who are waiting for their repairs to take a seat. It smells like rats and occasionally it squeaks alarmingly.

There are no windows, save for the narrow panes of dingy glass on either side of the door, and the only light source comes from lanterns floating above, each casting a sickly yellow-green glow on the interior of the shop.

The walls are covered with items in various states of repair. Instead of hooks, each item is held up by a skeletal hand. Those hands which are unoccupied, grab in the direction of anyone who passes by, made even more alarming by the narrow shape of the room.

Have a look at the prices for repairs if you dare, but I wouldn't hang around too long if I were you.

Unless of course you have other business.

The Starry Prophesier
Some ways down Knockturn alley there is an old cart owned by a romanian gypsy hag. From the cart two wooded steps come down, and there is a table with two ratty chairs on their side. Above the cart a sign hovers that says The Starry Prophesier. It has been said that Madame Hildegard, the old white haired gypsy hag, with green skin who owned the cart was known to have tasted the flesh of children and muggleborns who came to her cart. Her hook nose was punctuated with a large black hairy mole and her yellow eyes can petrify you if you stare at them too long. Here you may purchase all sort of dark magic divination items and be it Palms, Tarots or Runes, this is the place to get your future read.

The Coffin House Necromancy Emporium
The door to this eerie shop is shaped like a large black casket. As you open the lid and walk through, the red velvet covered walls and wrought iron candelabras feel warm but somewhat creepy. But here is where a dark wizard will find everything he will need for all his necromancy needs.

Borgin and Burkes
At number 13B, Borgin & Burkes still stands. This antique shop is the most well known and oldest of the shops in Knockturn Alley. Every dark wizard knows this large, dusty shop is the place to go to find objects that are both strange and powerful and very old items that seem to hold unusual and dark characteristics. But don't let the dim lighting that comes from the large stone fireplace fool you. This is not a welcoming place. Its former owners, Mr. Borgin and Caractacus Burke, were known to be able to swindle powerful magical objects for very little money and then sell them for triple, but that is nothing compared to the new owner...

Moribunds Pub
Unless you have business here, you will find the door to this pub is almost always locked. If it does happen to open for you, you’ll walk inside the pub, which is dimly lit by lanterns that throw out an eerie orange light. You may feel a distinct creeping feeling up your spine and that isn’t unusual, maybe you should trust your instincts and go somewhere else? The floor in Moribund’s pub is made up of uneven slabs of stone, darkened by age and from the build up of all sorts of grime. The heavy door closes silently behind you as you enter.

In addition to the lanterns, a candlestick sits on each table. Only the candles on occupied tables are lit, though they barely provide enough illumination to see by. The bartender watches you closely, almost accusingly. Its obvious that not just anyone is welcome in Moribunds. They serve food here and it’s surprisingly good but hardly the reason most of the regulars frequent the pub. Children are not welcome in Moribunds; of age witches and wizards only.

The Spiny Serpent
The vases out front are only a hint of what you’ll find inside the Spiny Serpent. As you pass through the doorway a buzzer that howls like a banshee goes off, announcing your presence to the shopkeeper and the denizens of The Spiny Serpent. The store is split between flora and fauna; sentient plants, magical plants, dangerous plants, semi-illegal plants, can all be found here. Likewise any dangerous or dark creature you have a hankering for can be found within the walls of the shop.

If there is a creature you'd fancy but can't quite be bothered with applying for the appropriate permits, you've come to the right place. Need guides for breeding magical plants or creatures? You'll find those here too, plus everything you'll need in your, shall we say, creative endeavors.

Anything that you can’t see on the shelves in front of you can still be found... for the right price, so go ahead and place an order if you dare, just remember you didn’t get it from here.

The Gleaming Gytrash Apothecary
The Gleaming Gytrash is where you'll go if you happen to be a dark wizard in need of potioneering or herbalry supplies. There is a herbalist and an apothecary here in this dark and ominous store and much of what is for sale is poisonous or highly dangerous in other ways.

There are a few specialty cauldrons, gemstones, lodestones, stirrers and other equipment available, though you are better off going elsewhere if you want something a little less legitimate. The prices are written up on a chalkboard behind the counter and the entire shop is covered in shelves and cubby holes. Each one contains jars full of bits of magical plants or creatures, various dried and fresh herbs, and pretty much anything anyone dabbling in dark potions will ever need.

Of course basic ingredients are available too, if you happen to need them, but be warned that snoops and the occasional mudblood might just go missing if they step foot in this store.

You can buy ready made potions or everything you need to brew them yourself. Take a look around but don't stay too long unless you want bits of yourself sold as ingredients too.


ooc: Remember that Snitchseeker site rules, Knockturn Alley specific rules and the SSRPG Rules apply at all times. If you have any OOC questions, you can ask them here.Be careful how you play here, your character CAN get hurt or worse if they get in the way of the wrong person. Try to be respectful if a duel erupts and pay attention to any PMs you get from one of the Knockturn Alley staff.

If you have any questions contact the mod in this forum: DaniDiNardo.