I’m right, you’re wrong. They don’t call me a Seer for nothing. “Well done, Ms. McKinley!” His compliment exaggerated enough that it was hard to miss the sarcastic and condescending undertones—but there was relief too. Relief that he didn’t have to remain standing out here with her asking dull, repetitive questions until she finally took the hint. Now they could move on.
The Divination Professor tapped the knob of the door with his wand and waited for the click to nudge it open. They could being the detention. The sooner they began was the sooner it would end. Brilliant how that worked but even then, it wouldn’t be until after he felt he’d sufficiently wasted her time to make up for his.
Inside the room was covered in....well flobberworms. Flobberworms and their mucus. The worms, many of them already reaching ten inches, wiggles around the room, pulling their mucus along and leaving new trails. It was an absolute lesson truth. A magical line was all that prevented them from getting to the part of the room the man stood and that was where he would stay. Indication of that came with him getting his usual chair and flopping into it. “Hand over your wand then begin collecting the mucus from the worms. Put them in the vials over there—you’ll need quite a few to get this all done. Any questions?”
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