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Sangeetha Kaira laughed. 'Haha..My mom's a muggle-born too..She has told us that when her letter came, she went up to her friend's place..which was next door and shoved it on his face cos she thought he was making fun of her..she used to have all these weird happenings that she couldn't explain..and she had told him about it, so you know...apparently one of the school staff had to erase the guy's memory,' she said.
Laila smiled kindly. The boy seemed so nervous. 'Relaaax,' she said. 'Oh that's a bummer..we could've met them if they had come along,' she added. But she understood how they felt.
He perks up slightly, Malachi loves talking about his dads. “Yeah they would have liked to meet you too. Papa would have talked your ear off while dad would have probably tried to stop him and buy him an ice cream. Papa loves ice cream. Wait they won’t erase papa and dad's memories will they!?”