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Old 11-03-2018, 03:42 AM   #19 (permalink)
Calvin Fletcher
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Calvin Fletcher
I’m right, you’re wrong. They don’t call me a Seer for nothing.

"Lucid dreaming doesn't necessarily improve the ability to interpret dreams." He would start with that. While it seemed she'd moved on to another topic under dreaming, he felt a link was still needed, if only for himself so he could keep up. "It can allow you to assess your dreams in real time, sure, giving you less to do once you've awakened but even then it's still dependent on how much you actually remember when you wake up."

Now that he'd gotten some of that out of the way. "There are a few practices that strengthen your chances of having a lucid dream. Most commonly you will need mediation. Just before sleeping, it helps to focus on the process of dreaming. Become aware that you're about to fall asleep and even while you begin to doze, try to maintain as much of your concentration as possible." For all the times he'd gotten his class to focus and concentrate before a reading, it wasn't lost on him that many still failed to see the importance.

"It's important to be aware. Some say that while dreaming, it's the small details that make them realize it can only be a dream. A chair out of place in the home, a friend using words they'd never normally use. This of course, requires a sharp mind, one awake even while in sleep, one anticipating and ready to make assessments at every turn--another benefit of meditation."

Was she following?

"The interesting thing about lucid dreams is, once you realize you're dreaming, control is easy to gain to the point you end up changing what the dream might otherwise have been." Did she now see why lucid dreams weren't necessarily the best for interpreting? They were often tainted by conscious intervention.

Last edited by Calvin Fletcher; 11-03-2018 at 04:46 AM.
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