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Old 10-25-2018, 01:59 AM   #7 (permalink)
Rafferty Ainsworth

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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. What was wrong with this man??? Why was he making her keep her hand in the air like a fool? Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Professor Rafferty was TESTING her patience! Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. It would be terrible if he never took her hand. That would put her in an awkward position. Twenty one. Twenty two. Twenty three. Twenty four. Twenty five. UM- what?! she raged in her mind as time ticked on. Take my hand, you fool! I will not be disrespected in this way! Twenty six. Twenty seven. Twenty eight. Twenty nine. THIRTY!

It was then that he took her hand and her worries about being humiliated went away. Now she just had to disguise the fact that she had been about to EXPLODE at the man who she had hoped to become an ally to. Maybe she could salvage the operation with the right words...

"Yes, I suppose it would be like the blind leading the blind," she conceded with a gracious tip of her head, forcing a small smile. "But I'm good at that. I could never perform good magic at school...therefore I made up for it by learning every single little fact I could about this castle and the people who ran it through the years. I know more things about this place than many who have been here for years." This was an exaggeration, but exaggerating in her favor was something she was good at. "But even if you don't need my help...I thought I would offer it anyway. I know expectations for staff has changed a lot this past year, we are expected to do more than ever before, and I want it known that I am perfectly fine with all that and more than up to the task. In case anyone asks."

She had switched tactics with those last two sentences. No longer was she pretending to simply offer help, now she was relaying the fact that she knew that Rafferty had the new boss's ear and that she knew she had to be on their good side to keep her job. That's what that "in case anyone asks" meant.
Did Rafferty know that his lengthy pause as he considered to shake the professor’s hand was driving her crazy? Of course not. Had he known would he have lengthened the time period? You bet. Now that his hand was away from O’Hara’s, Raffery stuck it into his pocket. He didn’t offer her a seat. Rafferty wanted her gone ASAP.

Rafferty listened in silence. His eyebrows went up slowly. Why? Rafferty did not for one moment trust O’Hara. Still, he said nothing but let the sceptical facial expression of his speak loudly and clearly. “I see. You mean Scrimgeour.’’ Rafferty did not mince words. “If you’re desperate for this to be known, I advise you to be nothing but loyal to this new leadership. It is a far superior one. Do what is required of you and you will have nothing to worry about.’’
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