Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Joshua watched Gaston with some concern. The man was under too much stress. At Foster's words about keeping Gaston's past a secret he chimed in. "My lips are sealed. I will not share with anyone what you've told in confidence." Joshua wanted to make lasting friendships with his co-workers and to do that he had to build trust and this was one way.
The topic turned to the fired professors and if they'd willing to help them overthrow the headmaster. Joshua nodded in unison. "I'm with Foster in that. Kay, Tristan and Kalen will be on our side. They will help us." He didn't know Regina very well to know if she'd be on their side too but he hoped so.
Runes were sadly out of the question for the coded message as Katrina pointed out to them that Scrimegour was an ex-auror. Before Joshua could feel down Gaston suggested that it should look like a shop order which made his spirits rise as he chirped. "A coded message disguised as a shop order is a brilliant idea. I also think the shop order should be of something like quills, parchments or fertilizer or something that everyone uses daily in classes like Gaston said. How shall we write it up? Dees anyone have an empty shop form lying around?"
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